Sailormoon Information |
NA dub Explanantion Explains Sailormoon, the characters, cultural points, etc. to those who have only seen the NA dubbed version and/or are confused as hell. Has both manga and anime formation (name translations were recently moved to this section, as well). |
The Senshi Tour Here is the usual character summaries, *plus* my opinions, observations, and the ever beautiful infold portraits from the manga. Fully functional. |
The Birthday Bulletin Board All of the birthdays and zodiac signs for the all of the main soldiers. Will soon have basic zodiac descriptions, and consistancies between them and the characters. Fully functional. |
The Manga My tribute to the pretty lil pictures by one Noako T.: info, links, pix. Fully functional. |
Complete Attacks and Transforms of Sailormoon Center CATOSC contains my (Isabel's) complete charts of the manga and anime attacks and transformations, and Heather Cromwell's descriptions of every attack. Very helpful and very convient for trivia tests and bios, as well as just for knowing it. Fully Functional! |
Interactive |
Personality Test Take this lil test, and it can analyze you and see which senshi you are most like. It's really neat and fun! Has both an automatic JAVA version and a text version. All old tests have been gradeded, too. Fully functional. |
Survey Speak your mind on various aspects of the senshi, the show, the romance, and everything else. Results updated regularly. Fully functional. |
Live Action Movie Actor Debates Read on and suggest who would play your favorite character if/when a Sailormoon live action movie is created. For all characters, from all seasons. Fully functional. |
Shrinery |
Saturn Shrine An extensive shrine to my favorite senshi. Has her life story (and its been edited so many times by so many people it'd better be correct) & facts about her, a picture gallery (and not the ones you think ^_^ been there, done that, nevermore), a make-a-man for Hota-chan (see the perfectly *lovey* responses), a fanclub, saturn multimedia, saturn merchandise lists and a mailing list with a cool title, a name poll, lots of links, and more! Fully Functional. |
The Outer Senshi Shrine My Outer Senshi shrine: devoted to Sailorpluto, Sailoruranus, and Sailorneptune. Their intro, their multimedia, their links. Come on! Fully functional (but still kind of small). |
The Great Peruru Search and Shrine Ah, worship to the cutest Sailormoon character ever, and a search to find pictures of him. Gee, I love him! Fully Functional. |
My Tiny Shrine to the Villianesses Of Sailormoon Mice, Birds, Cats, and Strange-Ladies-from-Greek-Mythology unite: worship of the crazy-cutest incarnations of evil to ever hit our screens: Beruche, Cooan, Iron Mouse, and Aluminum Siren. Tellu was recently added to our happy lil evil family! Fully Functional. |
The Best of CyberSailormoonLand |
Picture of the Day For your viewing pleasure, here is an ever-growing list of the best Sailormoon pictures on the internet. Darling, these are beautiful. Suggestions are welcome. Fully functional. |
Win my Emblem of Merit Do you have or know of a page with a really creative and fun page, section, etc. that deserves credit (especially if the rest of the site isn't that great...)? Then nominate it for my Emblem of Merit here. :) Good luck. Also, if you are suffering from cyber sailormoon boredom, the winners of this award are fun, unique, and worth going to. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge: obviously the winners are really cool.) Fully functional. |
On Making a Better Sailormoon Webpage... Some pointers on keeping your Sailormoon webpage ever-so-fabulous. IMHO, everyone making one should read this. Logical, precise, and realistic. Fully Functional. |
The Links I really got interested in Sailormoon by going to the websites, and here are some of the best ones I've been to. Besides generally coolie sites, I have links just about *every* merchandise site. Fully Functional. |
Saturnchild's Sailormoon |
What's New Pretty self explanatory, ne? |
Credits, Counters, and Clubs Because there wasn't enough room on this page: clubs I'm a member of, credits and thank yous, my cyber pets, and the awards my site has won. Fully Functional. |
Rings I belong to/almost belong to a whole lot of rings: see them, use them, or join them yourself. Fully functional. |
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"If we girls aren't strong, we can't protect the boys we love..." -- Naoko
In seconds, as I will bid her to, Sailorsaturn will slam that lil glaive of hers down to the ground! Bye bye world *teehee* see you later! It is actually how many visitors since 5:00:34 August 12, 1997 have visited (what a creative thing for visiters to do!)Saturnchild's Sailormoon. Um, do take in mind that my site was created in early March 1997.