My Peruru Shrine

Greetings and salutatations! Welcome to My Peruru Shrine. This is a site devoted to the cutest Sailormoon character of all, and an eternal search for pictures of him. If you haven't gotten giddy just by the words of my lil intro, you are probably asking yourself 'um, who is this character?' and 'What? I never saw him in Sailormoon...?' Well, read on.
Who is Peruru?
Peruru is a character from the SailormoonSuperS Movie. He was a faery. Vadiane, an evil lady, had given some other fairies powerful flutes, which would greatly increase their power, in return for their services of gathering up little kiddies. Buruban, his brother, was gathering up the children for his mistress, thinking he was going to bring them eternal happiness in Dreamland. In "reality," Vadiane was sealing the kiddies in dream coffins, and using their sugar-dream energy to build a force -- the black dreamhole -- which would eat up the Earth. One day, while Chibiusa was walking down the street, she saw a magic aura around a boy standing next to a bakery window. He commented on how cute Diana was, and they talked, became friends. Peruru made the cookies in a bakery window dance just for her! One night, the faeries visit Tokyo (they had been stopping and gathering children in cities all over the world), and Chibiusa fell under the trance of the flautist. Usagi caught up with her before she boarded the dreamboat, and made her snap out of it. They + the inner senshi fought the faery who was playing the enchanting sing. Peruru came, too, and told the fairy -- his brother -- to let the children go. He didn't, and Sailorchibimoon got caught on the ship with the other children. She tried to escape, but couldn't. Peruru led the soldiers to Vadiance's HQ -- Magipan Castle. There they fought first the other fairies (Bananu, Oranjiya, and his brother, Buburan). They made it past them, and went into the castle. There, Sailormoon, using the powers and strength of the other senshi(the outer senshi drop in!), fought Vadiane herself. Sailormoon finally defeats Vadianne, and the children are freed from their coffins in Magipan Castle. At the very end of the movie, Peruru and Chibiusa have a romantic parting scene, and Usagi comments on 'her boyfriend'. They would have made a cute couple: Peruru made some sweet comment like 'I will always be with you in your heart' too. :) In my opinion, he is the cutest character from Sailormoon. I wish he was in the manga... He would have been so beautiful there. :)
Why did you make a whole 'Enter' page? And what were those words?
I dunno {pouts}. I just thought a one-page shrine was kind of smallish-in-a-not-so-good-way. I just wanted to make Peruru feel cool. :) Sorry to be so obnoxious. Oh yeah, and those words are the lyrics to the song the children sing when they are under the spell of the fairies. The music is the tune they play on their flutes. Now come on -- look at that picture! Don't tell me you don't think he's worth it!?!
Saturnchild's Sailormoon

Saturnchild's Peruru Search and Shrine: